Mastodon Nachhilfe German, English, reading, writing, ESL, History 11237 Brooklyn, I've tutored and taught English as a second language in Austria. I've worked with graduate students, Brooklyn German, German Nachhilfe in Brooklyn : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe German Brooklyn

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 06234 Brooklyn in Connecticut | 11208 Brooklyn in New York | 11239 Brooklyn in New York | 11207 Brooklyn in New York | 11236 Brooklyn in New York | 11212 Brooklyn in New York | 11237 Brooklyn in New York | 11233 Brooklyn in New York | 11234 Brooklyn in New York | 11221 Brooklyn in New York | 11203 Brooklyn in New York | 11213 Brooklyn in New York | 11202 Brooklyn in New York | 11241 Brooklyn in New York | 11242 Brooklyn in New York | 11243 Brooklyn in New York | 11245 Brooklyn in New York | 11247 Brooklyn in New York | 11249 Brooklyn in New York | 11251 Brooklyn in New York
Suche: German in Brooklyn  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Brooklyn

Nachhilfe German See Details

ID 11436
aus 11237 Brooklyn
German, English, reading, writing, ESL, History
I've tutored and taught English as a second language in Austria. I've worked with graduate students, beginners, taught classes of high school level students
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I've worked with a lot ESL students on writing, reading, conversation, vocabulary and some grammar. I'm understanding of the process of learning a foreign language, and encouraging to anyone who's doing it. I'd be very good at working with students of German at all levels of introductory German. I can explain the grammar, work on conversation, reading/listening comprehension. I can work with high school and college students with basic German courses, tourists wanting to learn travel German, anybody interested in improving or using their German or any other kinds of processes or activities.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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