Mastodon Nachhilfe Russan language, Arabic, Turkish, Persian initial languages, calligraphy 495 Moscow, student-teacher, Moscow Arabic, Arabic Nachhilfe in Moscow : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Arabic Moscow

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Suche: Arabic in Moscow  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Moscow

Nachhilfe Arabic Different

ID 40106
aus 495 Moscow
Russan language, Arabic, Turkish, Persian initial languages, calligraphy
I'm from Russia, so Russian language for me - native. I have experience teaching Russian language to the Arabs, Turkish, Persians and others Arabic language, it is for me as a mother*s language. as studied it in the Arab*s university and long lived in an Arab country. She taught Arabic as Arabs and others. I deal with verbal translation activities (exhibitions, talks, lectures and instruction in Arabic). Familiar with many sciences of Islam. Speak the language of more than 13 years, having studied it in school Also taught writing (with calligraphy), reading (especially those who wish to read Al-Kuran), speech and grammar. Trained as a people did not know Arabic, so he and academic studies for several years (as of the number of adult Arabs and among the students, having studied Arabic abroad and wishing to gain a foothold in it). I can patiently explain intelligibly stuff is not even easy to understand student (regardless of age, language), I can encourage students to actively study, the choice of individual methods facilitated by the students mastering the language. Understanding the purpose of the interlocutors put down the accents in the translation to the persecuted of their tasks. Ability to convey to the audience the correct interpretation of the teachings of Islam Also teach basic Persian (Farsi) and Turkish languages As well as giving lessons on the basics of Islam (for free) I - Russian woman, received a Russian child to conventional multilateral education (two schools, sections, clubs, studios, theaters, exhibitions, tours, social, studio). Becoming older went like thumb, and nearly all local further education or studying at excellent or good. With specific regard to Arabic, then began to speak and communicate in it for more than 14 years ago, having studied the language skill of securing the 5.5 years officially (mostly in the Arab university).
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