Mastodon Nachhilfe French 6004 Perth, Master in EnglishrnDegree in teaching French as a foreign language, Perth French, French Nachhilfe in Perth : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe French Perth

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 58363 Perth in North Dakota | K7H Perth in Ontario | PH1 Perth in Scotland | 6000 Perth in Western Australia | 6800 Perth in Western Australia | 6809 Perth in Western Australia | 6817 Perth in Western Australia | 6820 Perth in Western Australia | 6827 Perth in Western Australia | 6830 Perth in Western Australia | 6001 Perth in Western Australia | 6837 Perth in Western Australia | 6838 Perth in Western Australia | 6839 Perth in Western Australia | 6840 Perth in Western Australia | 6841 Perth in Western Australia | 6842 Perth in Western Australia | 6843 Perth in Western Australia | 6844 Perth in Western Australia | 6845 Perth in Western Australia
Suche: French in Perth  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Perth

Nachhilfe French All - Beginner to Advance

ID 34162
aus 6004 Perth
Master in EnglishrnDegree in teaching French as a foreign language
All - Beginner to Advance
Bonjour !rnMy name is Agathe, I'm a French native speaker that love to share my culture and my language with anyone whose interested in this country I can teach beginer as well as advanced people. I've learnt english, spanish and italian in school and I know how hard it can be to learn a new language but if you're motivated and patient we can go a long way together rnI'm really patient and not judgemental at all. Some people are really good with language and some people encounter more difficulties, that's not a problem, it's my job to adapt myself to your pace I think the best way to learn and to teach is to create a fun environment I can provide "conversation class" as well as "grammar class"or "cultural exploration", I'll adapt my program to you, together we'll find the best way to learn fast and efficiently You can ask my students, no one has been disapointed so far ! : If you think like me that learning French can be a fun and interesting experience feel free to contact me at anytime A bientôt !
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