Mastodon Nachhilfe Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English literature, History, French, Mu 1 Dublin, Honours Bachelor of Arts & Gerontology, Honours Bachelor of Science University proficiency in the a, Dublin Lineare, Lineare Nachhilfe in Dublin : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Lineare Dublin

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 76446 Dublin in Texas | 38739 Dublin in Mississippi | 31021 Dublin in Georgia | 31040 Dublin in Georgia | 47335 Dublin in Indiana | 43016 Dublin in Ohio | 43017 Dublin in Ohio | 24084 Dublin in Virginia | 28332 Dublin in North Carolina | 94568 Dublin in California | 18917 Dublin in Pennsylvania | 03444 Dublin in New Hampshire | 5501 Dublin in South Australia
Suche: Lineare in Dublin  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Dublin

Nachhilfe Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Physics,... Elementary School, High School, Post-Secondary Education

ID 17102
aus 1 Dublin
Mathematics, Calculus, Algebra, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, English literature, History, French, Music, Band, Clarinet, Orchestra, Art
Honours Bachelor of Arts & Gerontology, Honours Bachelor of Science University proficiency in the arts and sciences Numerous nominations, awards and scholarships received including: Music Excellence, History awards, Literature Nominations
Elementary School, High School, Post-Secondary Education
I am from Toronto, Canada, and will be living in Dublin starting May, 2008. I am very academically driven, and have retained excellent grades (As) throughout high school and university. I was accepted into a very prestigious, competitive, and rigorous program: "The Arts and Science Program" at McMaster University in Ontario, and remained on the Dean's honours list for 4 years. I have more than 10 years of experience working with school-aged children, and I have also tutored high school and fellow university students in both the arts and sciences. I hope to hear from you soon!
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ab ~11 €/h  info
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