Mastodon Nachhilfe Spanish Language for foreigners BS3 Bristol, . rn, Bristol : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Bristol

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: BS31 Bristol in England | BS39 Bristol in England | BS5 Bristol in England | BS1 Bristol in England | BS2 Bristol in England | BS3 Bristol in England | BS6 Bristol in England | BS34 Bristol in England | BS32 Bristol in England | BS35 Bristol in England | BS40 Bristol in England | BS41 Bristol in England | 04539 Bristol in Maine | 02809 Bristol in Rhode Island | 03222 Bristol in New Hampshire | 06010 Bristol in Connecticut | 06011 Bristol in Connecticut | 05443 Bristol in Vermont | 19007 Bristol in Pennsylvania | 24205 Bristol in Virginia
Suche: Bristol  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe Bristol

Nachhilfe in Spanish Language for foreigners

ID 35049
aus BS3 Bristol
Spanish Language for foreigners
. rn
All levels
I have several years of experience as a Spanish teacher in different academies and schools, including working with children, teenagers and adults. My education and training in teaching includes the ELE Course of Spanish as a Foreign Language, at the International House Academy in Barcelona; and a Course of Pedagogical Adaptation - the equivalent of PGCE - at the Complutense University in Madrid rnThe tools which I have been using in my teaching experience are based on a communicative method focused on the practice of language skills, such as writing, reading, speaking and oral interaction rnI am a patient, flexible and a hard-worker person who enjoys teaching and working with people. Concerning my language skills, Spanish is my mother tongue and I am fluent in French and Italian as well.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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