Mastodon Nachhilfe Writing, Rhetoric, Public Speaking, Reading Comprehension, SAT preperation 10027 New York, I scored a + on my SAT with a 800 in reading and a 790 in writing. I have also taken AP tests in the, New York : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe New York

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Nachhilfe New York

Nachhilfe in Writing, Rhetoric, Public Speaking, Reading Comprehension, SAT preperation

ID 15316
aus 10027 New York
Writing, Rhetoric, Public Speaking, Reading Comprehension, SAT preperation
I scored a + on my SAT with a 800 in reading and a 790 in writing. I have also taken AP tests in the subjects of English, French, US History and European History. I have experience writing for various publications, which means I not only have developed writing skills but also harness an ability to communicate and work well with others.
High school
I am a first year college student at Columbia University and I believe my young age is an asset. I look forward to tutoring high school students who can feel more comfortable with someone closer to their age. Having tutored small children, I have developed great patience and refuse to give up on any child.
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