Mastodon Nachhilfe Japanese language, Japanese SW197 London, 420hours Japanese government recognized certification, London : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe London

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: E1W London in England | EC3N London in England | EC3M London in England | EC3A London in England | EC3V London in England | EC2N London in England | EC4R London in England | EC2M London in England | EC2A London in England | EC4N London in England | EC2R London in England | EC2V London in England | EC2Y London in England | EC1Y London in England | EC1V London in England | EC1A London in England | EC1M London in England | EC1N London in England | EC1R London in England | EC2P London in England
Weitere Anbieter und Orte in der Nähe von London: 6pd, 9ew, 2qz, 8ar, 4pb, Brockley, Charlton, 5jx
Suche: London  (1 Ergebnis / 8)   

Nachhilfe London

Nachhilfe in Japanese language, Japanese

ID 12796
aus SW197 London
Japanese language, Japanese
420hours Japanese government recognized certification
Any level
• I’m flexible and I can pick up things quickly and I can adapt to different teaching styles and environments. • I’ve learned how to teach but I created my own teaching strategy and program. • Although I can teach classes, as each student is different I can also construct a personalised program for each student. • My success is proven by my very high success rate with student exams passed. • To keep students interested I make my lessons enjoyable as well as effective • I have excellent people skills, which helps me relate to all people from every background. References are available on request.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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