Mastodon Nachhilfe Philosophy, ethics, religion studies SE8 London, Last year I've graduated at a masters degree programme in humanist studies. The subject of my thesis, London : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe London

Nachhilfe in Philosophy, ethics, religion studies

ID 14458
aus SE8 London
Philosophy, ethics, religion studies
Last year I've graduated at a masters degree programme in humanist studies. The subject of my thesis was Greek philosophy and buddhist philosophy.
Masters degree
The first week of January I'll move to London and I'm eager to work as a tutor. My thesis supervisor mentioned in her speech at my graduation that I would be a good teacher and should consider a career in the education direction. I'm very patient and can look at texts from different angles. Because of that I can explain texts in several ways, understanding their meaning and context quickly and I would like to hear and discuss ideas from others as well.
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