Mastodon Nachhilfe French 2050 Camperdown, Lote, Camperdown : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Camperdown

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Nachhilfe Camperdown

Nachhilfe in French

ID 35573
aus 2050 Camperdown
Beginner, intermediate, advanced
Hi everyone rnSo you are thinking of learning French but you don't really know where to start I'm Sarah, I've been a French tutor for the last 4 years in Sydney while I was studying I've also been working at the French school of Sydney located in Maroubra as a teacher assistant rnI've been teaching adults and children from 5 years old to 55 years and I can provide excellent references rnPlease feel free to contact me if you are interested in learning French rnRates are $ 35 an hour or $ 60 for a two hours lesson I do not charge for the first meeting, I will only explain you how I teach, how French is different from English and I truly believe that the best way to learn a language is to learn it through things you like (either travels, music, cinema, sport, etc etc etc), and as everyone is very different, all my lessons are prepared according to you rnLessons can be done either at my place in Newtown, otherwise at your place or at your work place otherwise a quiet café is still a good alternative rnLooking forward to hearing from you soon Regards rnSarah.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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