Mastodon Nachhilfe English, History HA29E Harrow, GCSE: English Literature: A English: B History: B Additional science (core): B Applied Science: B M, Harrow Global, Global Nachhilfe in Harrow : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Global Harrow

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Nachhilfe in Harrow

Nachhilfe English, History Up to GCSE

ID 30940
aus HA29E Harrow
English, History
GCSE: English Literature: A English: B History: B Additional science (core): B Applied Science: B Mathematics: C Food Technology: A* Media Studies: C Child Development: B Religious Studies (Short Course): B AS Grades: History: A English literature:B Pyschology:B Food Technology: C Predicted Alevel grades: English literature:A History:A Psychology:A
Up to GCSE
I am a hardworking, organised and reliable individual. Being enthusiastic, self motivated and confident, I am always willing to take up any challenges that are offered to me. As well as having excellent communication skills, I consider myself as a person with pizzazz and a calm attitude, allowing me to work well under pressurised situations on own initiative. I believe I have a sensible and positive approach to life and my strengths lie in my determination to work hard. I have taken up the opportunity to assisting younger pupils in year 11 History and English classes during my time at sixth form. I do this twice every week in my free time. The job involves marking classwork, helping students read, helping students with coursework and setting homework. I have also had input in preparing tasks for these pupils. Additionally, I have become a buddy with a year eight pupil to guide her through her first year of high school. My main teaching experience comes from helping family and friends with their studies. These roles have enabled me to develop my communication skills and have shown my ability to work in a team. I believe I can adopt a flexible and friendly approach to tutoring, depending on the the individual. Textbook learning is not always the most effective method for some individuals, so I will take the initiative to prepare activities, powerpoints and homeworks. I can also help with reading and writing skills. I believe it is key that the individual does not lose motivation and interest in these subjects so I will be prepared to make tuition sessions exciting by offering a valueable experience to the individual.
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