Mastodon Nachhilfe Quezon City ESL, ESL Nachhilfe in Quezon City : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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ESL Online-Unterricht

Nachhilfe von zu Hause aus, bequem & sicher
Viele unserer Lehrer/innen bieten ESL-Nachhilfe online an.
Fernunterricht, Onlinenachhilfe, E-Learning, via Zoom, Skype, Webcam usw.

Und für alle die dennoch Präsenzunterricht wünschen, bieten wir weiterhin klassische Nachhilfe beim Schüler oder beim Lehrer in Deiner Nähe.

Nachhilfe ESL Quezon City

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):
Suche: ESL in Quezon City  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe ESL Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

1) ID 9066
aus 1100 Quezon City
English, ESL
Bachelor in Mass Communication
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I teach English for Everyday Use (General English) as well as English for Business and Workplace (English for Success) to all levels. My online classes are highly-interactive and fun. My students enjoy my live presence while participating in a virtual classroom so that they don't only hear my voice but also see me and our lesson’s visual aids, live! They can even draw and explain their ideas to me using an online whiteboard, like we're just sitting together during the class. The lessons are customized to meet every student's need. My training approach is very student-friendly and students get to speak their minds a lot through active role playing, thought-provoking activities, and interesting discussions in the form of debates, interviews, etc. Students receive a lot of corrections to improve their sentence constructions as well as their pronunciation. Moreover, they get to enhance their writing skills upon completing essays and business letters and receiving suggestions on how to improve their written works. These writing tasks are usually assigned to them as homework.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
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Nachhilfe in Quezon City:
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Nachhilfe ESL Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

 Nachhilfe online screen webcam
Überregionale Onlinenachhilfe
für ESL
2) ID 9066
English, ESL
Bachelor in Mass Communication
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I teach English for Everyday Use (General English) as well as English for Business and Workplace (English for Success) to all levels. My online classes are highly-interactive and fun. My students enjoy my live presence while participating in a virtual classroom so that they don't only hear my voice but also see me and our lesson’s visual aids, live! They can even draw and explain their ideas to me using an online whiteboard, like we're just sitting together during the class. The lessons are customized to meet every student's need. My training approach is very student-friendly and students get to speak their minds a lot through active role playing, thought-provoking activities, and interesting discussions in the form of debates, interviews, etc. Students receive a lot of corrections to improve their sentence constructions as well as their pronunciation. Moreover, they get to enhance their writing skills upon completing essays and business letters and receiving suggestions on how to improve their written works. These writing tasks are usually assigned to them as homework.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  erreichbar via Webseite  info  Kontakt
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Preise für den Nachhilfeunterricht:
Es gilt "Freie Vereinbarung" oder "VHS":
Wenn im Profil nicht anders genannt, können Sie den Ort, die Häufigkeit und die Vergütung im Vorgespräch unverbindlich und einvernehmlich absprechen.
Diese Regelung ermöglicht faire Vereinbarungen, die für beide Seiten positiv sind.
*unverbindliche Erfahrungswerte
Viel Erfolg!

Nachhilfe seit 2001!

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Nachhilfe gesucht?

 Dringende Chemie-Nachhilfe gesucht Dringende Chemie-Nachhilfe gesucht

Deutsch, Privatunterrichte Deutsch, Privatunterrichte

Sprachpartner Englisch gesucht Sprachpartner Englisch gesucht

Suche Techniker Nachhilfe Suche Techniker Nachhilfe

Stundenplan Stundenplan
Linktipps für Nachhilfe & Unterricht

Whiteboard für Online-Unterricht: Idroo Whiteboard für Online-Unterricht: Idroo
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