Mastodon Nachhilfe Français, Anglais Basel, Licence d\'Anglais, Diplôme Enseignement du Français aux Adultes, Basel Français, Français Nachhilfe in Basel : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Français Basel

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 4040 Basel in Kanton Basel-landschaft | 4052 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4059 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4053 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4058 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4039 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4041 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4089 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4001 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4051 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4057 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4031 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4054 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4000 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4002 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4005 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4009 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4010 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4018 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4019 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt
Suche: Français in Basel  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Basel

Nachhilfe Français Tous

ID 39366
aus Basel
Français, Anglais
Licence d\'Anglais, Diplôme Enseignement du Français aux Adultes
My name is Cynthia. I am French and I have a degree in English and a diploma which enable me to teach French to adults in foreign countries. I love languages and I also love the culture related to them! I offer you French lessons, if you are a complete beginner but also if you want to improve your French or simply talk in French with someone, to keep practising! You will be surrounded by a French environment, having a petit-déjeuner à la Française, French cheese, discovering the French way of life, etc. No school environment! No strict grammar exercices and horrible grammar rules in that lesson! You will learn the language step by step, by TALKING, DISCOVERING new notions, actually really PRACTISING the language!
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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