Mastodon Nachhilfe Economics, Finance London, MA in Financial Economics (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) PGD in International Relations (BCIS ,S, London Finance, Finance Nachhilfe in London : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Finance London

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: E1W London in England | EC3N London in England | EC3M London in England | EC3A London in England | EC3V London in England | EC2N London in England | EC4R London in England | EC2M London in England | EC2A London in England | EC4N London in England | EC2R London in England | EC2V London in England | EC2Y London in England | EC1Y London in England | EC1V London in England | W1B London in England | W1C London in England | W1D London in England | W1F London in England | W1G London in England
Weitere Anbieter und Orte in der Nähe von London: 6pd, 9ew, 2qz, 8ar, 4pb, Brockley, Charlton, 5jx
Suche: Finance in London  (1 Ergebnis / 8)   

Nachhilfe in London

Nachhilfe Finance GCSE, IGCSE, GCE AS & A2 and Degree level

ID 37352
aus London
Economics, Finance
MA in Financial Economics (University of Colombo, Sri Lanka) PGD in International Relations (BCIS ,Sri Lanka) BBA (University of Jaffna , Sri Lanka)
GCSE, IGCSE, GCE AS & A2 and Degree level
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I have been teaching Economics for students of varying levels of technical ability in various settings since 2001. While I was teaching at a well- known international school in Sri Lanka, I was awarded for excellent teaching performance wherein a student received \"Top in the Island Award\" in Cambridge examination held in 2009. I always analyse student\'s performance, identify strengths and weeknesses and change methods of teaching in such a way that the student gets higher grade. I am very flexible in terms of time and approach. Feel free to contact me.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~14.5 €/h  info
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