Mastodon Nachhilfe Physics, Chemistry, Science, Mathematics, English Shanghai, Diploma in TESOL, Masters in Education (Science Education), Post-graduate Diploma in Education, Bach, Shanghai Environmental, Environmental Nachhilfe in Shanghai : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Environmental Shanghai

Suche: Environmental in Shanghai  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Shanghai

Nachhilfe Physics, Chemistry, Science, Mathematics... Elementary, high school, college, adults

ID 35472
aus Shanghai
Physics, Chemistry, Science, Mathematics, English
Diploma in TESOL, Masters in Education (Science Education), Post-graduate Diploma in Education, Bachelor of Science (Physics)
Elementary, high school, college, adults
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I strongly believe that I bring with me a unique set of skills as I have a diverse teaching background. I have taught in government schools in Singapore (English medium) for the past ten years, teaching Science, Physics and Project Work, which involves guiding students to conduct extensive research and write essays, as well as prepare them for an oral presentation examination. As such, I am well-versed in the English language, Maths and the Sciences. Over the years in Singapore, I have conducted Maths, Science and English private tuition classes for students from the primary level all the way till the junior college level. I have also ever undertaken an assignment whereby I taught English to a primary school student from China. Having had ten years of teaching experience (in schools and private tuition) also means that I have a wide range of knowledge in terms of pedagogy and teaching and learning styles. I am able to craft lesson plans that will cater to all the different learning styles that students might have, be it visual, kinesthetic, audio or verbal. One can be sure that any lesson with me is going to be a fun-filled and fruitful learning experience. I am also extremely patient and I always ensure that I guide my students well such that they take away something valuable after each lesson.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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