Mastodon Nachhilfe Private Violin, Viola Instrumental Tuition 4055 Basel, First Class Honours BMus degree from the Royal Northern College, Manchester. Currently a masters stu, Basel Integral, Integral Nachhilfe in Basel : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Integral Basel

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Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 4055 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4054 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4000 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4002 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4005 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4009 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4010 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4018 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4019 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4020 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4030 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4070 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4075 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4091 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4056 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4031 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4051 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4001 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4059 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt | 4039 Basel in Kanton Basel-stadt
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Nachhilfe in Basel

Nachhilfe Private Violin, Viola Instrumental Tuiti... All Levels Welcome

ID 34400
aus 4055 Basel
Private Violin, Viola Instrumental Tuition
First Class Honours BMus degree from the Royal Northern College, Manchester. Currently a masters student in performance at Basel Hochschule fur Musik, Switzerland. Plays regularly with the Halle Orchestra, England. Has eight years private teaching experience, of all levels and aims. Have experienced tuition from some of the worlds leading musicians.
All Levels Welcome
I love to teach, it\'s a very rewarding process and I learn more about my own playing through doing it.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
 erreichbar via E-Mail  erreichbar via Facebook  info  Kontakt
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