Mastodon Online Nachhilfe Arabic, English 2200 Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University September Postgraduate studies in English & American Liter, Arabic : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Arabic

Suche: Arabic   (1 Ergebnis)   


Nachhilfe Arabic All levels

ID 31967
aus 2200
Arabic, English
Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University September Postgraduate studies in English & American Literature & linguistics. Preliminary year of the Master%u2019s Degree in Arts, English Language and Literature Department Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages), Ain Shams University Bachelor Degree in Arts May Saint Clare%u2019s College, Heliopolis (Primary, prep and high school) Sep. %u2013 May Additional Studies Diploma in Journalism and Democracy September The International Training Program at the In
All levels
My experience in teaching English for students of different ages, social and professional backgrounds exceeds ten years. Part of this experience was gained at primary Catholic schools, and in my volunteer service within St George Community Centre in Cairo where I assisted and managed classes for pre-school children. I also did some part time courses in several centres in Cairo, Egypt %u2013 part of which was voluntary work to help and support young people in learning English as a second language to find better opportunities of work. I believe my experience in this field as well as my studies in pedagogical & psychological teaching methodologies have intensified my teaching skills and enriched my performance to ensure a spontaneous technique in teaching and managing classes. Besides teaching I used to publish some articles in Arabic and in English for Watani Newspaper and after some time I worked as a casual Arabic editor. Mastering both Arabic and English is an asset in dealing with new immigrant children with Arabic background For me it has never been a one-way process of teaching students how to improve and excel in communicating English. It was rather a sort of mutual benefit. I always learnt from my students, how to upgrade my knowledge by searching for extra material to hand them during my teaching sessions to encourage them to talk and express themselves to help them widen their scope of thinking. I love this career and I hope to be a member in your teaching staff
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