Mastodon Nachhilfe English Language, English 10117 Berlin, Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences) Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary), Berlin Handelsfachwirt, Handelsfachwirt Nachhilfe in Berlin : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Handelsfachwirt Berlin

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 58415 Berlin in North Dakota | 54923 Berlin in Wisconsin | 35103 Berlin in Durango | 35630 Berlin in Durango | 34913 Berlin in Durango | 31722 Berlin in Georgia | 44610 Berlin in Ohio | 37914 Berlin in Guanajuato | 94517 Berlin in Veracruz De Ignacio De La Llave | 15530 Berlin in Pennsylvania | 29824 Berlin in Chiapas | 29133 Berlin in Chiapas | 30365 Berlin in Chiapas | 21811 Berlin in Maryland | 08009 Berlin in New Jersey | 30587 Berlin in Chiapas | 12022 Berlin in New York | 06037 Berlin in Connecticut | 01503 Berlin in Massachusetts | 03570 Berlin in New Hampshire
Suche: Handelsfachwirt in Berlin  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Berlin

Nachhilfe English Language, English Grade 1-10, Primary, Native Speaker

ID 301012
aus 10117 Berlin
English Language, English
Bachelor of Science (Biological Sciences) Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning (Primary)
Grade 1-10, Primary, Native Speaker
My name is * and I have recently moved to Berlin. I am originally from New Zealand but have spent the last 2 years teaching in London, and also working as a private tutor. Currently I am working at a private, bilingual school in Berlin, teaching English through a wide range of subjects. I am looking for private tutor work in Berlin, tutoring from Grade 1-10 in English. I have experience teaching across a wide range of ages, across many subjects. I have also worked with students who have English as a second language, in school and as a private tutor. As I am working full time, I will be available most afternoons and evenings after 4pm, and can be flexible with weekend times. Please note that I currently learning German, hence why this is written in English. Thankyou for your consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Kind regards, James
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~10 €/h  info
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