Mastodon Nachhilfe english, religious education, business studies, law, economics, english to speakers of other languag bd74e Bradford, BA Law and euopean business, post graduate diploma in legal practice, Post Graduate certificate in e, Bradford LBT, LBT Nachhilfe in Bradford : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe LBT Bradford

Der Ortsname ist nicht eindeutig. Meintest du: 50041 Bradford in Iowa | 72020 Bradford in Arkansas | 61421 Bradford in Illinois | 38316 Bradford in Tennessee | 47107 Bradford in Indiana | 45308 Bradford in Ohio | L3Z Bradford in Ontario | 16701 Bradford in Pennsylvania | 14815 Bradford in New York | 02808 Bradford in Rhode Island | 05033 Bradford in Vermont | 03221 Bradford in New Hampshire | 04410 Bradford in Maine | EX22 Bradford in England | BD97 Bradford in England | BD9 Bradford in England | BD7 Bradford in England | BD8 Bradford in England | BD98 Bradford in England | BD1 Bradford in England
Suche: LBT in Bradford  (1 Ergebnis)   

Nachhilfe in Bradford

Nachhilfe english, religious education, business s... All

ID 25751
aus bd74e Bradford
english, religious education, business studies, law, economics, english to speakers of other languages
BA Law and euopean business, post graduate diploma in legal practice, Post Graduate certificate in education - PGCE
I prepare each teaching session to cater for individual students based on thier level and taking into account thier needs and also considering thier learning styles. Teaching reflects the way in which learners optimise thier achievements. I am very patient and have a very understanding personality. I am able to provide students with a unique learning experience enabling students to achieve beyond thier own expectations.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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