Mastodon Online Nachhilfe Maths, KS 1-4, English, KS 1-4, Psychology, A level S10 1ny, 1.1 Psychology Bsc. University of Sheffield. 3 A's at A level in maths, English lit. and Psychology, Psychology : Nachhilfe-Vermittlung




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Nachhilfe Psychology

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Nachhilfe Psychology Key Stage 1-4 in Maths and English, A level Psychology

ID 20093
S10 1ny
Maths, KS 1-4, English, KS 1-4, Psychology, A level
1.1 Psychology Bsc. University of Sheffield. 3 A's at A level in maths, English lit. and Psychology 2 additional A's in French and Critical Thinking AS level. 8A*'s, 2 A's in GCSEs
Key Stage 1-4 in Maths and English, A level Psychology
I am a recent graduate from Sheffield University with a first class degree in Psychology. I currently work at a Sheffield Primary School as a Teaching Assistant, working with a variety of small groups and individuals teaching literacy and numeracy to children aged 5-11. Working in a Primary School has given me excellent insight into what the learning needs of young children are and how to create a relaxed and productive environment in which to learn. I am familiar with several focused intervention strategies aimed to help children reach their potential with additional educational support. I believe I am motivated to get the best out of pupils whilst offering fun and vibrant sessions to capture children's imaginations.
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