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Nachhilfe Nachhilfe Composition


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Nachhilfe Composition

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Suche: Composition   (9 Ergebnisse / 9)   

Nachhilfe Composition High School Diploma, International Baccaleaurate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree in progress, Published Author/...

1) ID 9176
aus 90077 Los Angeles
English, Literary, Analysis, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra, II, Trigonometry, Biology, Advanced, Biology, French, American, History, World, History, Essay, Composition, Statistics
I am currently a freshmen at the University of Judaism. Presently, I tutor three students in various subjects, including: Geometry, Physical Science, Essay Composition, Test Preparation, etc. I also the student assistant to the Director of Financial Aid at the UJ and am in direct contact with students throughout the day. I graduated as Valedictorian from Quartz Hill High School, a highly prestigious International Baccalaureate school. I also successfully obtained the IB diploma and received a semester
High School Diploma, International Baccaleaurate Diploma, Bachelor's Degree in progress, Published Author/Poet, Senior Editor/Copy Editor of "Casiano Chronicle"
I have a strong academic background in multifarious subjects and am confident in my abilities to meet the needs of any and all students. I am highly animated, as I was in theatre arts programs for five years and acted in as well as directed several plays. I have a friendly disposition and am extremely patient. I learned immense patience from volunteering with mentally/physically disabled and abused children. I form personal relationships with my students and make them feel completely comfortable with me. I refrain from acting superior or making my students feel inadequate. My sessions are intimate and I continually instill a sense of pride in my students and encourage them in any way possible. I have a profound desire to enrich the minds of young people. I am very tenacious and have staunch work ethics, and these attributes are evident in all endeavors I undertake. I would love the opportunity to increase the number of students I tutor. For references, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

2) ID 37140
aus Jakarta
English language, grammar, composition, speaking,, reading
Certified to teach English as a Second Language, ECC, 2009; Taught Beginner and Intermediate classes to Indonesia students for one year in Sumatra; Tutored Burmese refugees for one year in San Franscico; Graduated from Columbia University, New York with degree in English; Completed Senior Thesis for English Department; published extensively in American magazines, website, and newspapers.
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Nachhilfe Profilbild
I have both the experience and the academic training to design a curriculum that will help you or your child reach your goals! Very patient and flexible.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition Débutant, intermédiaire, confirmé, professionnel

3) ID 34839
aus 1050 Bruxelles
Instruments, Piano, Claviers, Violon, Alto, Chant, Guitare, Saxophone, Formation de l\'oreille, Formation en Rythme, Jazz, Improvisation, Composition, Arrangement, Harmonie, MAO, Musique assistée sur ordinateur, Solfège, Multimedia, Montage son, Informati
Collectif de musiciens professionnels, professeurs dynamiques qualifiés en pédagogie. Longue expérience pédagogique surtout... par vocation !
Débutant, intermédiaire, confirmé, professionnel
COURS PERSONNALISES, D'INSTRUMENT et de MUSIQUErnContenu A LA CARTE rnCLASSIQUE / JAZZ / POP / AUTRES Tous niveaux rnCours motivants adaptés selon les aspirations, la disponibilité et le rythme d'apprentissage de chacun-e. Méthode vivante et valorisante. Garantie du « Quick Success » (satisfaction et résultats immédiats, à chaque séance). Evolution marquante, sans stress Spécificités des cours (options, matières annexes) : - Développement de son sens du RYTHME, et de son feeling musical rn- Apprendre à - jouer d'oreillern - s'accompagner, à mettre des textes en musique, à effectuer des adaptations convaincantes entre paroles et musiquern - improviser, à reconnaître les accords, à réharmoniser des grilles d'accords - Formation de l'oreille relative et absolue. Cours d'Harmonie rn- Développement de sa créativité musicale. Composition, arrangement rn- Mise à niveau - en instrument, - en solfège, - en toute autre matière, pour musiciens en académie, ou au conservatoire, classique, et jazz. - Apprentissage de l'Informatique musicale (MAO). Techniques et logiciels d'enregistrement professionnels, et réalisations audio. Prise de son, mixage, mastering rn.. ______________________________________________________________________________________ rnHORAIRES FLEXIBLES convenus avec vous rnLes formations sont données par un collectif de musiciens dynamiques diplômés et expérimentés en pédagogie, professeurs par vocation rnÂge minimum : 11 ans rnLes PRIX varient selon formule choisie (fréquence, périodicité,... Contactez-nous ! Cours personnalisé, par trimestre (11H) prix de revient à l'H : 27€ toutes fournitures inclues (mp3, partitions, supports réalisés pour l'apprentissage de morceaux de votre choix). Cours normal : 25€/H rnSi vous êtes intéressé-e par nos formations, nous vous invitons à nous envoyer un mail avec quelques précisions sur ce que vous recherchez et sur votre parcours, et à joindre votre numéro de téléphone (privé) afin que nous puissions vous contacter.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition Beginner, Intermediate, Advance

4) ID 20720
aus 6541 Ormoc City
English Grammar, Composition, Basic Tagalog, Basic Cebuano
Philippine Professional Regulation Commission Licensed Teacher
Beginner, Intermediate, Advance
I only offer online tutorial sessions.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition All levels

5) ID 8714
aus 11217 Brooklyn
Violin, Violin lessons, classical, classical jazz, alternative, alternative styles, music theory, music, composition
Studied with top professors at the University of Michigan. One year away from Jazz Performance degree from the New School for Contemporary Music. Successful freelance musician in NYC. 4 years of private and group teaching experience.
All levels
I teach every student differently, according tol their learning style. I am professional and timely. I care about my student's progress and push them to succeed.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition Listed at all levels. General math and science is for lower level students.

6) ID 8570
aus 11369 East Elmhurst
English Language, English, reading, writing, composition, History, Government, Law, Spanish, Earth Science
EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, History and Secondary Education; expected June + Hunter College of the City University of New York, NY, NY GPA: 3. + EMPLOYMENT AND ACTIVITIES Teacher’s Assistant, Big Apple Games, I.S. 145Q Jackson Heights, NY, Summer + • Oversee the activity of summer camp children, grades 5-9), wherever needed. (Gym, Art, etc.) + Long Island City High School Law Team Mentor, (Volunteer) Long Island City, NY, September + – present • Help the team members with Mock Trials and Tourna
Listed at all levels. General math and science is for lower level students.
I am an extremely patient, professional and dedicated person. I plan to have an extremely interactive experience with the children as well as the parents.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition Grade school, junior and senior highschool

7) ID 6554
aus 20050 Veduggio
Writing, Composition, Philosophy, Biology, Social, Sciences
B.S. Biological Sciences, Humanities. M.A. Philosophy Postgraduate Diploma in Social Science M.Phil/Ph.D student in Philosophy (Currently)
Grade school, junior and senior highschool
I am very creative in my teaching and can motivate students to learn. I am a very good listener, and very patient. Teaching is a passion for me.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition Adult, college, high school, middle school

8) ID 8427
aus 11238 Brooklyn
Writing, composition, literature, creative writing, language, arts, Professional Writing Skills
I hold a B.A. in Literature from the University of California, Santa Cruz (4.0) and an M.F.A. in Creative Writing from Indiana University (3.9), where I held a Hemingway fellowship. I have made my living for the last ten years as a working creative artist and teacher of literature and writing. During my work at IU I designed and taught a wide range of courses, including Intro to Composition, Professional Writing Skills and several beginning and intermediate Creative Writing classes. I have also taught grad
Adult, college, high school, middle school
I am a professional, patient, organized, and dedicated tutor. I pride myself on the rapport I have with my students, which is relaxed, friendly, and fun, but focused and committed to the task at hand. I stress the fundamental importance of critical thinking, writing, and language skills, so tutoring sessions aren't just about getting through the upcoming lesson, paper, or exam, but are about establishing the skills for the long term.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Composition Elementary through college

9) ID 8586
aus 12498 Woodstock
English Writing, Composition, American Literature, Spanish, English Literature
B.A. English, M.A. English, M.A. Theatre, bilingual in Spanish/English, teaching experience, tutor experience
Elementary through college
Nachhilfe Profilbild
Lived, worked, taught in Spanish speaking environment. Extensive teaching experience: English, English as Second Language, Spanish. Vast writing experience creative and expository. I have great patience, creative approach and rapport with people of all ages.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe in 90077 Los Angeles, United States:
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Nachhilfe geben

Nachhilfe geben ist ein spannender Nebenjob (- wenn er gut genug bezahlt wird). Denn jede Begegnung mit einem/r Schüler/in ist anders, auch die Familien sind verschieden. Manchmal ergeben sich längerfristige gute Beziehungen bis hin zu Freundschaften. Denn Nachhilfe geben ist häufig, was ein Gruppenunterricht nur selten sein kann: individuell und persönlich. Beim Begleiten und Unterrichten von Schülern in höheren Klassen oder bei der Nachhilfe für Studenten müssen Nachhilfelehrer/innnen sich gelegentlich etwas intensiver in den Stoff einarbeiten. Wenn das zeitlich möglich ist oder evtl. vom Schüler finanziell ausgeglichen wird, dann machen das die Nachhilfelehrer in der Regel gerne, und manchmal machen sie sich den Aufwand auch ohne dafür bezahlt zu werden - einfach aus eigenem Interesse und Neugier. Da sind die Nachhilfelehrer und Nachhilfelehrerinnen nach meiner Erfahrung sehr verschieden. Wer zum ersten Mal daran denkt, Nachhilfe zu geben ist bei uns richtig. Jetzt einfach kostenlos als Nachhilfelehrer/in anmelden - und wenn Fragen aufkommen: wir helfen gerne und können mit Erfahrung, Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen, ...denn: wir helfen helfen ;)

Nachhilfe nehmen

Es ist eine clevere Entscheidung Nachhilfe zu suchen. Denn Nachhilfeunterricht ist nicht nur Förderunterricht nach der Schule oder als intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung. Nachhilfe ist eine Chance, und eine Begegnung: mit einer anderen Art, die Dinge zu sehen und erklärt zu bekommen. Wenn die Chemie stimmt und die fachlichen Grundlagen Fundament haben, dann kann professionelle Nachhilfe die Noten verbessern, Prüfungsängste abbauen, eine Nachprüfung vermeiden und dabei vielleicht auch noch Spaß machen. ;) - Also jetzt registrieren und einen Nachhilfelehrer finden! - Wir wünschen von Herzen eine erfolgreiche Nachhilfe!