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Nachhilfe Language

Es geht evtl. um mehrere Themen(?):
Suche: Language   (8 Ergebnisse / 8)   

Nachhilfe Language Primary School - GCSE, Beginner - Advanced ESL

1) ID 23363
aus N10 3TA London
EFL, English, Language, English, Literature, Essay Writing, Reading, Grammar, Pronunciation
English and Philosophy BA(hons.), Cambridge CELTA
Primary School - GCSE, Beginner - Advanced ESL
I have taught English in the classroom and as a private tutor for over two years. Most of my experience is in teaching children (4 - 16 years old) from non-English speaking countries. I am extremely patient and reassuring to underconfident students and can help students to feel at home with the English Language. I always prepare interesting and educational lessons to suit the student's needs.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Language Beginners to advance

2) ID 7976
aus TW80Q Brentford
Czech, language
Degree in Czech Language with teaching qualification. Post graduate certificates such as Language and methodology (project of the Ministry of Education), School teaching – motivation, Methodology of Education for Teachers, Language Development and Methodology of TEFL, Memory Development, Auto suggestion and Evaluation and self-evaluation.
Beginners to advance
I am qualified in teaching Czech Language for children and adults. I have got many years of experience. I offer Czech tuition for all ages and all levels. I work for well known Language School in London, can provide excellent references.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Language Native

3) ID 8008
aus KT1 3 Surrey
italian, language
+ Practising Certification for the Italian Psychologist Profession Register (The Italian Register of Chartered Psychologist) awarded by University of Rome “La Sapienza” + Years Italian University Degree in “Work and Organisational Psychology” awarded by University “La Sapienza” of Rome (Italy) (Equivalent of Bachelor plus Master Degree) - (Final Mark**/110) DEGREE THESIS Theoretical part: (General Empowerment – Organisational Empowerment and Human Resources Management) Practical part: Planning an Em
My tutor experience: Sep 04/ Mar 05 – TUTORSHIP - PROFESSIONAL POST GRADUATE APPRENTICESHIP – Company: Institute for the Public Administration Managers Training – Under the council of Ministers Presidentship ( *w* it) &#*; A)Analysis and Report about Teachers’ teaching style &#*; B)Analysis and Report about Manager/learners group dynamics &#*; C)Analysis and Report about Teacher/Learners interaction &#*; D)Final Report about the course assessment made by Learners and Teachers &#*; Problem solving assistance to Teachers and Learners &#*; Management of administrative documents related the training course &#*; Management of the training setting &#*; Contacting Teachers by phone, mail, fax, e-mail to prepare lecture notes on CDs and paper &#*; Studying bibliographical material about Training and Tutorship Final Project work: Creating and using a specific board to report in a unique form the information of activities A) B) C) D) My Trainer experience: Oct 05/Dec 05 – TRAINER – Company: MST – Management and Territory Development Soc.Coop. A.r.l. – Rome/Italy ( *w* it) Planning and teaching the module (55 hours) called “Business Organization” as part of the professional training course for graduates about “Tourism Marketing) Topics developed: &#*; Objectives; Culture, Working cycle, Structure of a Business Organization &#*; Conditions of the Personnel and Organization Welfare &#*; Patterns of Human Resources Management &#*; Power and Leadership in working contexts &#*; What is a Business Plan Course Aspects: &#*; Active teaching Methodology &#*; Educational techniques: Study of working cases, simulation games, workshop, tests, Final exam. &#*; Learners’ assessment form about their course satisfaction and suggestions. &#*; Teaching aids: Power Point slides projection, lectures notes on CDs and paper, whiteboard.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Language All

4) ID 5715
aus SL1 2XL
Russian, Language
University Degree (Russia)
I am a native Russian speaker and an experienced, flexible and patient Language tutor. I finished school in Russia in June 1982 with the certificate and some experience of working as a tour guide for the English-speaking tourists and translator. I entered the Leningrad State University in summer 1982 and studied science there for half a year. From January to June 1983 I worked as a library assistant. In summer 1983 I started to study History in the Leningrad State University and completed a five-year course there (degree awarded in June 1988). From 1989 I worked as a school and college teacher in St Petersburg and combined this job with organising excursions for Russian and international tourists. I also had some experience as a lecturer, academic advisor and a free-lance journalist in Russia. I came to live in the UK in 1995. Since then I worked in this country as an interpreter and translator (my translation job included research of the historical context of some texts to my clients’ request), as a teacher of History and Russian Language and as a Language tutor for international business executives. I am currently working as a freelance interpreter and Russian Language tutor.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Language GCSE

5) ID 5468
aus LS7 4RN
English, Literature, English, Language, French, Drama, History, Sociology
GCSEs: English Literature A English Language A (A* speaking and listening) Maths B Dual Award Science BB French A* Drama A History A Textiles C AS-Levels: Government and Politics D A-Levels: Sociology A English Literature B French D General Studies A
I am patient, intelligent, friendly and have lots of experience working with children.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Language GCSE, 'A' Level, Undergraduate

6) ID 6794
aus N12 8EU
English, Language, English, Literature
GCSE English Literature - A* (Aylestone School) GCSE English Language - A* (Aylestone School) `A` Level English Literature - A (Hereford Sixth Form College) B.A. (Hons) in English Language and Literature - First (The University of Oxford) M.St (Master of Studies) in English - Pass Other: GCSE`S - Latin A*, Biology A, Chemistry C, Physics B, Mathematics A, History A, Drama A, French A `A` Levels - Modern History A, Law A
GCSE, 'A' Level, Undergraduate
While studying for my Master`s degree at Oxford University I tutored some undergraduate English students. This experience taught me the importance of listening to the student and valuing their contribution. I feel that the tutor should learn from the tutoring experience as well as the student. While working as a Community Support Worker in Herefordshire, I tutored service users in basic literacy and numeracy skills. This work included tutoring service users with learning disabilities and dyslexia. I developed a more patient tutoring style at this time. I believe that English literature and Language and the most exciting of subjects and that improving a student`s ability to communicate and articulate themselves is fundamental to their development and future success. I feel that I have been able to inspire students I have worked with in the past and make the subjects highly exciting.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Language English as a second language all levels, English Language GCSE; Psychology A-level and GCSE

7) ID 4835
aus N1 6B London
English as a second language, English, Language, Psychology
Psychology BSc (Graduate 2006), Certificate in EFL (2002) plus 3 years experience in college and private tutoring.
English as a second language all levels, English Language GCSE; Psychology A-level and GCSE
I really enjoy tutoring and my previous students find me patient and easy to understand. I am easy-going but have good attention to detail.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe Language All

8) ID 7749
aus W7 1LU London
English, language
BA degree in English Language with Teaching Major
I have got three years of experience, I am flexible and communicative person.
VHS (Verhandlungssache),  
ab ~11 €/h  info
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Nachhilfe in N10 3TA London, Great Britain:
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Nachhilfe geben

Nachhilfe geben ist ein spannender Nebenjob (- wenn er gut genug bezahlt wird). Denn jede Begegnung mit einem/r Schüler/in ist anders, auch die Familien sind verschieden. Manchmal ergeben sich längerfristige gute Beziehungen bis hin zu Freundschaften. Denn Nachhilfe geben ist häufig, was ein Gruppenunterricht nur selten sein kann: individuell und persönlich. Beim Begleiten und Unterrichten von Schülern in höheren Klassen oder bei der Nachhilfe für Studenten müssen Nachhilfelehrer/innnen sich gelegentlich etwas intensiver in den Stoff einarbeiten. Wenn das zeitlich möglich ist oder evtl. vom Schüler finanziell ausgeglichen wird, dann machen das die Nachhilfelehrer in der Regel gerne, und manchmal machen sie sich den Aufwand auch ohne dafür bezahlt zu werden - einfach aus eigenem Interesse und Neugier. Da sind die Nachhilfelehrer und Nachhilfelehrerinnen nach meiner Erfahrung sehr verschieden. Wer zum ersten Mal daran denkt, Nachhilfe zu geben ist bei uns richtig. Jetzt einfach kostenlos als Nachhilfelehrer/in anmelden - und wenn Fragen aufkommen: wir helfen gerne und können mit Erfahrung, Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen, ...denn: wir helfen helfen ;)

Nachhilfe nehmen

Es ist eine clevere Entscheidung Nachhilfe zu suchen. Denn Nachhilfeunterricht ist nicht nur Förderunterricht nach der Schule oder als intensive Prüfungsvorbereitung. Nachhilfe ist eine Chance, und eine Begegnung: mit einer anderen Art, die Dinge zu sehen und erklärt zu bekommen. Wenn die Chemie stimmt und die fachlichen Grundlagen Fundament haben, dann kann professionelle Nachhilfe die Noten verbessern, Prüfungsängste abbauen, eine Nachprüfung vermeiden und dabei vielleicht auch noch Spaß machen. ;) - Also jetzt registrieren und einen Nachhilfelehrer finden! - Wir wünschen von Herzen eine erfolgreiche Nachhilfe!

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